Source code for mapBrain

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, skew

[docs]class SphericalBrainMapping(object): """ Performs a Spherical Brain Mapping of a 3D Brain Image :param resolution: Angle resolution at which each mapping vector is computed (default 1 degree) :type resolution: int, float :param deformation: Rate of unequally distributed mapping vectors, to be used when the surface to be mapped is not spherical but ellipsoid (in the range 0-1, with 0 meaning a perfect sphere) :type deformation: float :param ithreshold: Intensity threshold (:math:`I_{th}`) for the projections needing it (default 0) :type ithreshold: float :param nlayers: Nummber of equally distributed layers (default 1) :type nlayers: int """ def __init__(self, resolution=1, deformation=0.0, ithreshold=0, nlayers=1): """ Initializes a SBM instance, saving all parameters as attributes of the instance. :param resolution: Angle resolution at which each mapping vector is computed (default 1 degree) :type resolution: int, float :param deformation: Rate of unequally distributed mapping vectors, to be used when the surface to be mapped is not spherical but ellipsoid (in the range 0-1, with 0 meaning a perfect sphere) :type deformation: float :param ithreshold: Intensity threshold (:math:`I_{th}`) for the projections needing it (default 0) :type ithreshold: float :param nlayers: Nummber of equally distributed layers (default 1) :type nlayers: int """ self.resolution = resolution self.deformation = deformation self.ithreshold = ithreshold self.nlayers = nlayers def vsetResolution(self, resolution=1): """ Sets the angular resolution at which the map will be computed :param resolution: Angle resolution at which each mapping vector is computed (default 1 degree) :type resolution: int, float """ self.resolution = resolution def vsetDeformation(self, deformation=0.0): """ Sets the deformation rate to be used in SBM. :param deformation: Rate of unequally distributed mapping vectors, to be used when the surface to be mapped is not spherical but ellipsoid (in the range 0-1, with 0 meaning a perfect sphere) :type deformation: float """ self.deformation = deformation
[docs] def vsetIThreshold(self, ithreshold=0): """ Sets the intensity threshold to be used in SBM. :param ithreshold: Intensity threshold ($I_{th}$) for the projections needing it (default 0) :type ithreshold: float """ self.ithreshold = ithreshold
def vsetNLayers(self, nlayers=1): """ Sets the number of layers to be mapped :param nlayers: Nummber of equally distributed layers (default 1) :type nlayers: int """ self.nlayers = nlayers def getResolution(self): """ Returns the resolution used in SBM. """ return self.resolution def getDeformation(self): """ Returns the current deformation rate used in SBM """ return self.deformation def getIThreshold(self): """ Returns the Intensity Threshold used in SBM """ return self.ithreshold def getNLayers(self): """ Returns the number of layers used in SBM """ return self.nlayers def computeMappingVectors(self): """ Computes the mapping vectors azim and elev """ spaceVector = 1 - self.deformation*numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(numpy.arange(-2*180,2*180+self.resolution,self.resolution*2))) azim = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.cumsum(spaceVector)*self.resolution-270) elev = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.arange(-90, 90+self.resolution, self.resolution)) return azim, elev def surface(self, vset): """ Returns the surface of all mapped voxels :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ val = numpy.argwhere(vset>self.ithreshold) if len(val)==0: val=numpy.zeros(1) return numpy.nanmax(val) def thickness(self, vset): """ Returns the thickness of the layer of mapped voxels :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ aux = numpy.argwhere(vset>self.ithreshold) if aux.size>0: thickness = numpy.nanmax(aux) - numpy.nanmin(aux) else: thickness = 0 return thickness def numfold(self, vset): """ Returns the number of non-connected subvsets in the mapped voxels :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return numpy.ceil(len(numpy.argwhere(numpy.bitwise_xor(vset[:-1]>self.ithreshold, vset[1:]>self.ithreshold)))/2.) def average(self, vset): """ Returns the average of the sampling vset :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return numpy.nanmean(vset) def variance(self, vset): """ Returns the variance of the sampling vset :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return numpy.nanvar(vset) def skewness(self, vset): """ Returns the skewness of the sampling vset :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return skew(vset, bias=False) def entropy(self, vset): """ Returns the entropy of the sampling vset :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return sum(numpy.multiply(vset[vset>self.ithreshold],numpy.log(vset[vset>self.ithreshold]))) def kurtosis(self, vset): """ Returns the kurtosis of the sampling vset :param vset: set of mapped voxels' intensity :type vset: 1-dimensional numpy array """ return kurtosis(vset, fisher=False, bias=False) def _interp_single_gray_level(self, p, imag): ''' Interpolates the gray level found at the point p using interpolation by percentage of superposition of pixels. ''' # We create the array of surrounding points: a = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]) points = (numpy.floor(p)+a).astype(int) # Extract the colours at each point: c = imag[points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2]] # Calculate the weights as distances: w =,axis=1) # And sum the different values: ci = numpy.sum(c*w) return ci def _interp_gray_level(self, p, imag): ''' Interpolates the gray level found at the point array p by using superposition interpolation. ''' if p.ndim==3: ci = numpy.zeros(p.shape[:2]) for i in range(p.shape[0]): ci[i,:] = numpy.array([self._interp_single_gray_level(punto,imag) for punto in p[i,:,:]]) elif p.ndim==2: ci = numpy.array([self._interp_single_gray_level(punto,imag) for punto in p]) return ci def _get_points_centering(self, center, n): ''' Gets the array of centerpoints in a given direction (n), in this order: ------------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | |------------ | 8 | 0 | 4 | |-----------| | 7 | 6 | 5 | ------------- :param center: Specifies the position of the origin of mapping vectors. If not specified, defaults to the geometrical center of the image. :type center: 3D coordinates in numpy array :param n: normal vector specifying the direction :type n: 3D coordinates in numpy array ''' u11 = numpy.sqrt(n[1]**2/(n[0]**2+n[1]**2)) u12 = -numpy.sqrt(n[1]**2/(n[0]**2+n[1]**2)) u21 = numpy.sqrt(1-u11**2) u22 = numpy.sqrt(1-u12**2) u1 = numpy.array([u11, u21, 0]) u2 = numpy.array([u12, u22, 0]) if,n)<1e-10: u = u1 else: u = u2 v = numpy.cross(n,u) p0 = center p1 = center - u + v p2 = center + v p3 = center + u + v p4 = center + u p5 = center + u - v p6 = center - v p7 = center - u - v p8 = center - u return numpy.array([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8]) def _posterizeImage(self, ndarray, numLevels = 16 ): ''' Posterizes the image to number of levels ''' #Gray-level resizing numLevels = numLevels-1 #don't touch. Logical adding issue. minImage = numpy.nanmin(ndarray) ndarray = ndarray-(minImage) maxImage = numpy.nanmax(ndarray) tempShift = maxImage/numLevels ndarray = numpy.floor(ndarray/tempShift) ndarray=ndarray + 1 numLevels = numLevels + 1 # don't touch. Logical adding issue. return ndarray
[docs] def computeTexture(self, p, imag, origin, distances=1): ''' Computes the texture around vector p :param p: The mapping or rojecting vector :math:`\mathbf{v}_{{\\theta},{\\varphi}}` :param imag: Three-dimensional intensity array corresponding to a 3D registered brain image. :type imag: 3D numpy array :param origin: Specifies the position of the origin of mapping vectors. If not specified, defaults to the geometrical center of the image. :type origin: 3D coordinates in numpy array :param distances: It helds the distances at which the GLCM is going to be computed. :type distances: integer or list of integers ''' from mahotas.features import texture # set the originso of each vector (the central one and surrounding 8) origins = self._get_points_centering(origin, p[1,:]) puntos = numpy.array([p+cent for cent in origins]) select = (puntos<numpy.array(imag.shape)-1).all(axis=2).all(axis=0) p_real = puntos[:,select,:] colors = self._interp_gray_level(p_real, imag) ndarray = self._posterizeImage(colors) # Prevent errors with iterative list, adding support for # several distances in the computation of the GLCM if (type(distances) is not list) and (type(distances) is not numpy.ndarray): distances = [distances] glcm=[] for dis in distances: glcm.append(texture.cooccurence(ndarray.astype(int)-1, 0, distance=dis, symmetric=False)) features = texture.haralick_features(glcm) labels = texture.haralick_labels return features, labels
[docs] def showMap(self, map, measure, cmap='gray'): """ Shows the computed maps in a window using pyplot :param map: map or array of maps to be shown :type map: numpy ndarray :param measure: SBM measure to be computed :type measure: string :param cmap: Colormap to use in representation :type cmap: string with valid matplotlib colormap """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set the maximum and minimum value of the computed maps minimum = numpy.min(map) maximum = numpy.max(map) if self.nlayers>1: imgplot = plt.figure() # Trick for plotting large numbers of layers in a kept proportion ncol = numpy.floor(self.nlayers/numpy.ceil(self.nlayers**(1.0/3))) nrow = numpy.ceil(self.nlayers/ncol) for nl in range(self.nlayers): plt.subplot(nrow,ncol,nl+1) plt.imshow(numpy.rot90(map[nl]),cmap=cmap, vmin=minimum, vmax=maximum) plt.title(measure+'-SBM ('+str(nl)+')') plt.colorbar() elif measure=='texture': # If texture, it plots 13 as if they were layers. imgplot = plt.figure() ncol = numpy.floor(13/numpy.ceil(13**(1.0/3))) nrow = numpy.ceil(13/ncol) for nl in range(13): plt.subplot(nrow,ncol,nl+1) plt.imshow(numpy.rot90(map[nl,:,:]),cmap=cmap, vmin=minimum, vmax=maximum) plt.title(measure+'-SBM ('+str(nl)+')') plt.colorbar() else: imgplot = plt.figure() plt.imshow(numpy.rot90(map[0]),cmap=cmap, vmin=minimum, vmax=maximum) plt.title(measure+'-SBM') plt.colorbar() return imgplot
[docs] def sph2cart(self, theta, phi, r): """ Returns the corresponding spherical coordinates given the elevation, azimuth and radius :param theta: Azimuth angle (radians) :type theta: float :param phi: Elevation angle (radians) :type phi: float :param rad: Radius :type rad: float """ z = r * numpy.sin(phi) rcosphi = r * numpy.cos(phi) x = rcosphi * numpy.cos(theta) y = rcosphi * numpy.sin(theta) return x, y, z
[docs] def doSBM(self, image, measure='average', show=True, origin=None): """ Performs the SBM on the selected image and using the specified measure :param image: Three-dimensional intensity array corresponding to a 3D registered brain image. :type image: 3D numpy array :param measure: SBM measure to be computed :type measure: string :param show: Specifies whether to show the computed map (True) or not (False) :type show: bool :param origin: Specifies the position of the origin of mapping vectors. If not specified, defaults to the geometrical center of the image. :type origin: 3D coordinates in numpy array """ image[numpy.isnan(image)] = 0 tam = image.shape # Size of the image if origin is None: origin = numpy.divide(image.shape,2) # To compute the middle point lon = max(origin) # Compute the maximum value of the mapping vector v # tamArr=numpy.repeat([tam],lon,0) # Residual # We create the mapping vectors and perform the conversion from spherical # coordinates to cartesian coordiantes (the ones in our 3D array). azim, elev = self.computeMappingVectors() THETA,PHI,RAD = numpy.meshgrid(azim, elev, numpy.arange(lon)) x,y,z = self.sph2cart(THETA,PHI,RAD) if measure=='texture': # Define the blank map to be filled (nlayers, features, 361, 181) mapa = numpy.zeros([13, numpy.ceil(361/self.resolution).astype(int), numpy.ceil(181/self.resolution).astype(int)]) # for nl in range(self.nlayers): # intvl=numpy.int32(numpy.floor(lon/self.nlayers)) # no sirve para nada todavía # eliminamos el número de capas for i in range(azim.shape[0]): for j in range(elev.shape[0]): p = numpy.vstack((x[j,i,:].flatten(),y[j,i,:].flatten(),z[j,i,:].flatten())).T mapa[:,i,j], _ = self.computeTexture(p, image, origin) else: X = numpy.int32(numpy.round(x+origin[0])) Y = numpy.int32(numpy.round(y+origin[1])) Z = numpy.int32(numpy.round(z+origin[2])) coord = numpy.ravel_multi_index((X,Y,Z), mode='clip', dims=tam, order='F').transpose((1,0,2)) # This is the blank map to be filled. mapa = numpy.zeros([self.nlayers, numpy.ceil(361/self.resolution).astype(int), numpy.ceil(181/self.resolution).astype(int)]) # Begin of the loop image = image.flatten('F') for nl in range(self.nlayers): intvl=numpy.int32(numpy.floor(lon/self.nlayers)) for i in range(coord.shape[0]): for j in range(coord.shape[1]): vset = numpy.squeeze(image[coord[i][j][nl*intvl:(nl+1)*intvl]]) if measure.__class__==type('str'): try: mapa[nl][i][j] = getattr(self,measure)(vset) except AttributeError: print("The measure %s is not supported"%measure) return # If it has been vset, we display the map if show: self.showMap(mapa,measure) return mapa